Information for military personnel and their families

Information for military personnel and their families

Information for military personnel and their families

Information for military personnel and their families



In unusual or stressful situation it is normal to feel confused, sad, frightened, or to experience unusual emotions.

It is good to bear in mind that it is more beneficial to become aware of your emotions than to be ashamed and repress them. Confiding with trusted people can be a good strategy. Talking to a specialist (psychologist or psychiatrist) is essential if you feel overwhelmed by the emotions you have been experiencing in recent weeks.

You are not entirely powerless in the face of what is happening.

Every individual has it within them to be able to take care of their emotional well-being as well as resist infection through adopting or maintaining good habits. In times of stress it is important to maintain a daily routine which incorporates a healthy and varied diet, an adequate number of hours of sleep, moderate physical activity, contact (even if by telephone) with one's own social network, and dedicated time to rewarding activities. Managing your time creatively and viewing these times as an opportunity to accomplish is a good way to deal with self-isolation.

Find a compromise between denying the problem and panic.

What we are facing is an "invisible enemy" and, depending on how each of us manages the information we receive from the outside world and the media, we will react differently. Underestimating the problem and denying it, as well as panic, are approaches that can lead to irrational behaviour.

Tension, worry, or boredom are emotions that must be managed.

To do this it is useful to undertake a period of self-reflection incorporating self-awareness and a proactive attitude. Increasing the use of tobacco, alcohol, or other substances is not a good strategy to manage your emotions.

Only read and eventually distribute information from authoritative sources, but not continuously.

Continuously searching for updates and talking non-stop about the coronavirus, will in most cases not be beneficial and can result in a permanent state of anxiety which in turn can lead, for example, to sleep difficulties, a short temper, difficulty in concentrating, and other physical symptoms. It is better to limit the search for information during the day, selecting only reliable sources.

For those with children,
Bear in mind that children are very good at picking up on the emotions of those around them and interpret reality through the attitudes of adults. Therefore, parents must take greater care of their mood and attitudes, while supporting children and give them the attention they require. Furthermore, it is good to listen to the children, to give them a space to express their emotions and help them understand what is happening without lying. Even for children it is important to establish a clear daily routine that includes study, play, and physical activity times, limiting exposure to video screens.