In Solbiate Olona a significant meeting with the consular representation of Latvia, a nation belonging to the Alliance since 2004 and a contributing member of NATO Rapid Deployable Corps in Italy.
Solbiate Olona, July 2, 2020. The meeting between Lieutenant General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta and Dr. Patrizia Signorini, Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Latvia in Milan took place today at the operational headquarters of NATO Rapid Deployable Corps in Italy.
The event was an auspicious occasion to take stock of the current delicate geo-strategic situation, taking into account the significant presence of the Alliance in Latvia since 2017, in the context of the eFP (enhanced Forward Presence) missions with the task - also shared by Italy - to demonstrate NATO's ability and determination to provide a solid response to external threats along the Alliance's eastern border.
The meeting proved to be a valuable opportunity to strengthen ties with a nation that has always supported all the activities conducted by the NATO Command in Milan, both in the recent past and during the COVID-19 emergency. Moreover, during this challenging phase, the synergic effort of the national contingents that make up the Rapid Deployable Corps was decisive, confirming the fundamental importance of the multinational aspect and underlining the cohesion that has always characterized the spirit of the NRDC-ITA community.
Maintaining stable relations with international institutions is an important task for NRDC-ITA, as it helps to assert its role in the panorama of defence and collective security, as an organization ready and able to support the policies of the Alliance, with the objectives of facing crises and promoting international stability.