Apr 24 2020

NRDC-ITA considers the impact of COVID-19 on the European economy.

Milan, 24 April 2020. The latest e-lecture hosted by the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy has been held with the title The Global Macroeconomic impacts of COVID-19.

Professor Cottarelli, formerly of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), discusses the critical issues surrounding the post-COVID-19 economic reality and impacts they will have on the future geostrategic balance.
Milan, 24 April 2020. The latest e-lecture hosted by the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy has been held with the title The Global Macroeconomic impacts of COVID-19.
The expert speaker brought in by the Milan based NATO HQ was Professor Carlo Cottarelli, an Italian economist, formerly of the IMF and currently serving as Director of the Italian Public Finance Monitor of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.
Providing a deep dive on the significant impact the current pandemic is likely to have on the world economic system, with particular focus on the effects to be felt in Europe, Professor Cottarelli was ideally suited due to his impressive professional path.
During a distinguished career, Professor Cottarelli served for many years at the IMF. As Director of the Fiscal Affairs Department he was responsible for the development of the Fiscal Monitor, one of the three IMF flagship publications. He has written several articles and edited many books on fiscal and monetary policies.
In his lecture, Professor Cottarelli depicted a possible macroeconomic scenario, once this pandemic is over and went on to analyse the possible implications for Europe's economy.  
This lecture was the latest in the series of professional development opportunities provided by NRDC-ITA, both to the HQ staff and to the wider NATO community during the COVID-19 emergency. Throughout the current crisis the multinational headquarters has worked closely with the Italian civil authorities tasked with dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, whilst maintaining its role as a NATO HQ, charged with the planning and conducting military operations.