Dec 02 2002


This exercise was the culmination of the validation process, to demonstrate, through a training event, that HQ NRDC has achieved successful completion of all the military criteria required by the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe (SHAPE). This Exercise represented the Italian Army priority for 2002 and was aimed to exercise HQ NRDC-IT in Deployment, War fighting and Peace Support Operations in order to demonstrate its Full Operational Capability as a High Readiness Force (Land) HQ. NRDC-IT held this exercise in training areas close to CIVITAVECCHIA, 80 km north of Rome, where all the three Command Posts (MAIN, RAS and RSC) had been deployed.

Exercise Objectives
The exercise training goals were to test the Staff and the Support Units in planning and executing Joint Operations by introducing a rapidly developing crisis in a simulated region, which is depicted in a real environment.

Art. 5 Operations (Warfighting).The NRDC-IT Hq had been running:

To practise HQ NRDC tactics, techniques and procedures during war fighting as a Land Component Command HQ, including: Offensive and Defensive Operations, Media Operations, Air/Land interface with other components, Engineers Operations, Special Operation Forces and Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC).
To practise the employment and co-ordination of Corps Combat Support assets.

Peace Support Operations. To practise planning and conducting of a Peace Support Operation, focusing on the followings aspects:

Establishment and practise of Joint Commissions;
Practise the liaison and co-ordination of military actions with key NGOs and other relevant International Organizations (IOs) in Theatre;
Military Police co-ordination and liaison with UN/local organizations and Authorities;
Civil Military Cooperation and Host Nation support procedures;
Procedures for humanitarian assistance to Refugees;
Engineer’s assistance to Civil Authorities/UN/NGOs.

Furthermore, the command and control arrangements for Corps units assigned to HQ NRDC-IT were also tested.

RAS: Rear Alternate and Step up
RSC: Rear Support Command
NGO: Non Governmental Organization