Jan 16 2003


Last 16 January 2003 the last Flag ceremony took place at the NRDC-IT headquarters in Solbiate Olona when the Portuguese flag was raised.

SOLBIATE OLONA (VA), 16 JANUARY 2003. The last Flag ceremony took place at the NRDC-IT headquarters in Solbiate Olona when the Portuguese flag was raised. Finally the flags of all the contributing countries, Germany, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States, are nowon the poles togethere with the NATO flag.
The ceremony was attended by the Maj Gen Castagnetti, NRDC-IT Commander, together with the two newly arrived Portugese officers and by all the Corps staff and the Signal Brigade personnel.
This ceremony represents the completion of the staff build up and it confirms that our HQs has the highest international presence among the High Readiness Forces Hqs based on its 11 country members.