

Italian Decrees Relevant Requirements




Violators will be fined, except in the most serious cases of higher severity.
In some instances (where through fault or negligence spread of the epidemic occurs, illness and death as a consequence of the contagion caused by an actor, who unknowingly or not fulfils any illegal conduct whose violation might amount to a criminal act), the violations will be regarded as criminal offences and heavy sentences are expected.
Moreover, the Law Decree nr.19, dated  the 25th of March 2020, has the provision this specific alleged offense: except in cases where the circumstances constitute a more serious crime, an individual who matched positive to COVID-19 and  violated the order to stay at home in quarantine will be punished with a 3-to-18-month arrest and a judicial fine ranging from € 500,00 to € 5.000,00.
Alternatively, in the vast majority of the cases, violations of the measures set to counter the spread of COVID-19 carry a pre-determined fine, ranging from € 400,00 to € 3.000,00, whose amount is to be either increased by a third if the breach is committed with the use of a vehicle, or doubled for repeat infringements.
Every violator will be either immediately informed by the operating Officer or notified within 90 days.
In accordance with Law Decree nr.19, dated 19th of March 2020, the fine incurred can be reduced by € 400,00 if paid no later than 60 days from the date of the contestation or the notification, or to the amount of € = 400,00 with a further reduction of the 30% if paid within 5 days of the contestation or the notification.
In every case, the fines for the administrative violation of the measures designed to counter the spread of COVID-19 are subject to appeal before the Authority and the Giudice di Pace (Justice of the Peace) within 30 days of the contestation or the notification.

All the above measures apply from 18 May 2020 to 31 July 2020.