Feb 26 2008


.Solbiate Olona, 26 Feb 08. HQ NRDC-ITA hosts a visit by the Consul General of The Republic of Korea.
HQ NRDC-ITA extended a warm welcome to Mr Kang Hee-Yoon, the Consul General of the Republic of Korea based in Milan, today.

SOLBIATE OLONA (VA), 26 Feb 08. HQ NRDC-ITA hosts a visit by the Consul General of The Republic of Korea.
HQ NRDC-ITA extended a warm welcome to Mr Kang Hee-Yoon, the Consul General of the Republic of Korea based in Milan, today.
After a brief office call with the NRDC-ITA’s Commander, Lieutenant General Giuseppe E. Gay, the Consul General was invited to sign the Visitors’ Book before being introduced to key members of the HQ and Senior National Representatives.
The main objective of the visit was to provide Mr Kang Hee-Yoon with an overview on the Headquarters, before offering him an opportunity to ask questions of the Commander and Senior Staff over light refreshments.
We are once again delighted to have the opportunity to explain to key members of the international community based in the area what it is we do, and I believe our visitor is content he is now fully informed  says HQ NRDC-ITA’s spokesman, Major Graham Cable.