May 26 2009


On the 26th of May 2009 the Italian Minister of Defense, Ignazio La Russa, visited “Ugo Mara” Barracks in Solbiate Olona, where NRDC-ITA is based.

SOLBIATE OLONA (VA) 26th MAY 2009. On the 26th of May 2009 the Italian Minister of Defense, Ignazio La Russa, visited Ugo Mara Barracks in Solbiate Olona, where NRDC-ITA is based.
The Minister met the Commander, Lieutenant General Gian Marco Chiarini, for a views exchange regarding to the situation in the critical areas where the Armed Forces are deployed. The Minister attended a briefing to be informed about the NRDC-ITA Command and Control structure and its activities. 
After that, he visited the infrastructures and facilities of the Ugo Mara Barracks, such as:
The nursery school, last born facility;
The barracks of the logistic support units;
The training area close to the barracks;
The sport structures (the gymnasium, the tennis and soccer fields) then the laundry, the bank, the travel agency;
The Family Support Center, a facility dedicated to support the families of the NRDC-ITA military personnel.