Oct 15 2010


In preparation for the forthcoming NATO High Readiness Force commitment HQ NRDC-ITA have recently completed Ex NOBLE LIGHT 2010. The exercise was conducted in Bellinzago Novarese over the period 4-15 October 2010 and followed on from the successful Ex EAGLE METOER conducted in Torre Veneri (Lecce).

BELLINZAGO NOVARESE (NO) 15 OCTOBER 2010. In preparation for the forthcoming NATO High Readiness Force commitment HQ NRDC-ITA have recently completed Ex NOBLE LIGHT 2010. The exercise was conducted in Bellinzago Novarese over the period 4-15 October 2010 and followed on from the successful Ex EAGLE METOER conducted in Torre Veneri (Lecce).
General Gian Marco Chiarini, Commander NRDC-Italy, described the successful exercise:  With Ex NOBLE LIGHT we have had the opportunity to test the command and control capabilities of NRDC-ITA in a crisis scenario. It has been a unique opportunity to test our operational and logistic procedures in preparation for the NRF responsibility. The two week exercise tested NRDC-ITA’s ability to conduct operations in response to an unexpected crisis and saw the Headquarters dealing with a range of problems across the military, political, economic and social spectrums.  In meeting this challenging scenario, designed to replicate the complex contemporary environment, the Headquarters planned the use of a wide variety of military capabilities including electronic warfare, special forces and CIMIC units.  Particpating in the exercise were over 1000 soldiers from the 15 nationalities represented at NRDC-Italy.