Jun 02 2010


The 64th anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Republic was celebrated at “Ugo Mara” Barracks in Solbiate Olona on the 2nd June 2010 with a celebratory event organised at the Officers’ Club. Various civilian and military dignitaries attended the event together with national and international representatives serving at the HQ NRDC-Italy.

SOLBIATE OLONA (VA) 02 JUNE 2010. The 64th anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Republic was celebrated at Ugo Mara Barracks in Solbiate Olona on the 2nd June 2010 with a celebratory event organised at the Officers’ Club. Various civilian and military dignitaries attended the event together with national and international representatives serving at the HQ NRDC-Italy.
The Bosino Folk group from Varese attended the celebration and a number of sculptures produced by the famous Italian artist, Brocca Toletti were on display.  The evening was a huge success and a fitting event to celebrate this important day within the Italian calendar.