Preventative Measures

Preventative Measures

Preventative Measures

PreventIVE Measures



  1. Frequent hand-washing & use of hand sanitizer.
  2. Frequent use of disinfectant wipe for surfaces.
  3. No hand-shake policy.
  4. STAY AT HOME. If sick – report to medical chain, NATO chain of command and national chain of command.
  5. Follow good respiratory hygiene (cover your mouth and nose with bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze and immediately dispose of tissue).
  6. Avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth.
  7. Apply to the current ITA GOV regulations (Avoid movement unless for work-related reasons, strict necessity (i.e. food, support to person in need, etc.) or health related reason).
  8. Avoid crowded places and situations (maintaining at least 1 meter/3 feet distance between yourself and others).