Reporting Guidance

Reporting Guidance

Reporting Guidance

Reporting Guidance



Personnel experiencing specific symptoms (fever more than 37,5°C and neck pain, shortness of breath, bloody sputum, dry cough) and/or have been in close contact with someone infected by nCoV19, should immediately:

  • Contact your General Practitioner (GP) by phone;
  • If your GP is unavailable you are to call one of the following Regional Numbers:
    • Basilicata: 800 99 66 88
    • Calabria: 800 76 76 76
    • Campania: 800 90 96 99
    • Emilia-Romagna: 800 033 033
    • Friuli Venezia Giulia: 800 500 300
    • Lazio: 800 11 88 00
    • Lombardia: 800 89 45 45
    • Marche: 800 93 66 77
    • Piemonte:
      • 800 19 20 20 (available 24/7)
      • 800 333 444 (available from Monday to Friday, 8.00-20.00)
    • Provincia autonoma di Trento: 800 867 388
    • Provincia autonoma di Bolzano: 800 751 751
    • Puglia: 800 713 931
    • Sardegna: 800 311 377
    • Sicilia: 800 45 87 87
    • Toscana: 800 55 60 60
    • Umbria: 800 63 63 63
    • Val d’Aosta: 800 122 121
    • Veneto: 800 462 340

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In case of emergency PHONE 112