Dec 11 2013


Solbiate Olona (VA). On the 11th of December, at 6,30 pm, the Mayors of the Olona Valley gathered in the Officer Club of the Ugo Mara barracks to receive the traditional greetings for the coming Christmas season from the Commander of NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy (NRDC-ITA), Lt Gen. Giorgio Battisti, via videoconference from Kabul.

Solbiate Olona (VA). On the 11th of December, at 6,30 pm, the Mayors of the Olona Valley gathered in the Officer Club of the Ugo Mara barracks to receive the traditional greetings for the coming Christmas season from the Commander of NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy (NRDC-ITA), Lt Gen. Giorgio Battisti, via videoconference from Kabul.
Gen. Battisti, in Afghanistan since the 15th of January 2013 as Chief of Staff of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the  First Citizens and the media representatives for their attendance, a clear example of the strong bond of the Headquarter with the community. He also said he looks forward to meeting them on the return of the NRDC-ITA contingent from Afghanistan on the 25th of January, and on the official welcome ceremony on the 10th of February at the Ugo Mara barracks.
Gen. Battisti added that they will celebrate in the traditional Italian way on Christmas Eve in Kabul, with the Holy Mass and a cup of hot chocolate so that the distance from home will be lessened on this special occasion.