Mar 28 2014


Members from fifteen different nations came together to celebrate Hellenic National Day, in the NCO Club, at “Ugo Mara” Barracks, 28 March 2014.
The event commemorated two important events in the Hellenic-Orthodox calendar: the announcement to Virgin Mary that she would become the mother of Jesus, and the anniversary of the 25 March 1821 revolution.

Members from fifteen different nations came together to celebrate Hellenic National Day, in the NCO Club, at Ugo Mara Barracks, 28 March 2014.
The event commemorated two important events in the Hellenic-Orthodox calendar: the announcement to Virgin Mary that she would become the mother of Jesus, and the anniversary of the 25 March 1821 revolution.
Brigadier General Ilias Spanopoulos led the celebrations from the Hellenic Contingent, with guests from the Hellenic Consul and the Hellenic-Orthodox Church in Milan, as well as NRDC-ITA senior staff, including Deputy Commander, Major General Sir George Norton, and Chief of Staff, Major General Rosario Castellano.
Hellenic National Day, also known as Greek Independence Day, is a national holiday celebrated in Greece on 25 March.  The Greek revolution ended in 1829 with the establishment of an independent Greek state.
Brigadier General Spanopoulos put the event into context for NRDC-ITA personnel in his speech before cutting the specially-made cake and starting the celebration