Oct 13 2015

Since today NRDC-ITA is hosting the first "Support Division Seminar" in the "Ugo Mara" Barracks.13th October 2015 - PLENARY MEEETING 

Today, 13 October 2015, within Ugo Mara Barracks in Solbiate Olona (VA), the 12th Plenary Meeting of NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy (NRDC-ITA), took place. The Meeting, hosted by the Italian Defence General Staff at the NRDC-ITA HQ, comes during the NRDC-ITA stand by period following the HQ achieving its certification as a Joint Task Force HQ (JTF HQ).

Today, 13 October 2015, within Ugo Mara Barracks in Solbiate Olona (VA), the 12th Plenary Meeting of NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy (NRDC-ITA), took place. The Meeting, hosted by the Italian Defence General Staff at the NRDC-ITA HQ, comes during the NRDC-ITA stand by period following the HQ achieving its certification as a Joint Task Force HQ (JTF HQ).  NRDC-ITA is on standby to deploy from July 2015 to June 2016 according to the current NATO Long Term Rotation Plan. In order to achieve a deployable Joint Command and Control Capability, the Peace Establishment (PE) structure for the HQ was revised in recent months to realign the PE structure to the JTF HQ Crisis Establishment (CE) one, structured on three pillars of Operations, Support and Influence. The aim of this meeting is to carefully check the current structure and functions in order to suggest fine-tuning changes, in line with lessons learned from feedback from recent certification process.