Oct 11 2015

NRDC-ITA Takes Part In "Emergency Room 2015"

A delegation from NATO Rapid Deployable Corps - Italy (NRDC-ITA) in Solbiate Olona will attend the 15th “Reas Emergency Room” exhibition held in Montichiari (BS) during 9 - 11 October, 2015. The exhibition is dedicated to the world of emergency, showing current and emerging civil protection equipment and systems. 

A delegation from NATO Rapid Deployable Corps - Italy (NRDC-ITA) in Solbiate Olona will attend the 15th “Reas Emergency Room” exhibition held in Montichiari (BS) during 9 - 11 October, 2015. The exhibition is dedicated to the world of emergency, showing current and emerging civil protection equipment and systems. NRDC-ITA strives to integrate fully with the social fabric of Lombardy, and this is demonstrated by the attendance at the exhibition by a dedicated team from the affiliated Support Brigade that is displaying their capability to intervene quickly in support of civil safety and protection initiatives by providing telecommunications and logistical capability. Additional activity in support of the exhibition will be to also provide promotional information on prospective careers in the Italian Army.