Jun 05 2015

The President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, attended the EXPO 2015 in the occasion of the World Environment Day

NRDC-ITA hosted  Chiefs of Staff (COS) from the nine NATO Graduated Readiness Force (Land) Headquarters at a conference in Ugo Mara Barracks over the period 9-11 june. The conference, chared by Major General Ugur Tarçın,the Land Command COS,  provided a valuable opportunity for the COS s to discuss a variety of common issues that are pertinent to the requirements relating to the implementation of new structures and concepts.  

During its speech The President highlighted the great work that has been done and the contents that the exhibition has developed to confirm the Italian Country extraordinary potentialities in the world scenery. The Commander of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Italy (NRDC-ITA), Lieutenant General Riccardo Marchiò attended the event on behalf of the Chief of The Italian Defence General Staff, General Claudio Graziano. NRDC-ITA shares the exibition's values in providing showcase for important developments and opportunities, on urgent issues concerning the humanity food and healt accessibility that reflects the huge challenge of finding a balance between the nutrition of the human being and the planet respect.