After the National and NATO validations, which were achieved through high professionalism and excellent teamwork, NRDC ITA is preparing for the stand by period, starting from july 2015.
In particular, HQ NRDC ITA, as a Joint Task Force for Small Joint Operations, must be capable of deploying rapidly to a crisis area, in a timely and organized fashion and delivering a Joint Command and Control capability for a period of six months minimum.
In consideration of the above mentioned requirements, a deployment working group consisting of various Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) has been stood up.
The Deployment working group will be chaired by the Deputy Chief Of Staff Support (BG ITA Army Luca Fontana).
Its focus will be on the deployment phase of the Joint Task Force, as well as the required coordination with NATO HQ SHAPE and al Italian Commands (ITA JOINT FORCE HQ ITA (COI)), Operational Land Forces HQ ITA (COMFOTER), and ITA Army LOGISTIC Command.
The outcome from this working group will be the tailored plan for deploying NRDC ITA and its affilated Units.