Mar 27 2015

Family Snow Master 2015

On the 27th of March, in Alto Adige, “Family Snow Master 2015” started. 49 families, 172 people, 6 nations (Holland, France, Italy, Spain, UK, USA) of NRDC-ITA reached the “Base Logistico Addestrativa di Colle Isarco” and deployed to the slopes of Ladurns, Monte Cavallo and Racines to check if the snow is still there even during the spring time. Pictures prove that sunny sky and snow to ski can stay together.

On the 27th of March, in Alto Adige, “Family Snow Master 2015” started. 49 families, 172 people, 6 nations (Holland, France, Italy, Spain, UK, USA) of NRDC-ITA reached the “Base Logistico Addestrativa di Colle Isarco” and deployed to the slopes of Ladurns, Monte Cavallo and Racines to check if the snow is still there even during the spring time. Pictures prove that sunny sky and snow to ski can stay together.