Liutenant General Fabrizio Castagnetti

Liutenant General Fabrizio Castagnetti

Former Commander



Commander NRDC-ITA

LT General Fabrizio CASTAGNETTI (10 January 1945, Lugagnano Val d'Arda, 13 January 2018 Velleia).
After graduating from the Scientific High School in 1964, he attended the Military Academy Course where he was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant. He attended the “Scuola di Applicazione” in Turin and after two years he was promoted to the rank of Infantry 1st Lieutenant.

His military education also included the Infantry Officers Basic Course, Italian Army Languages School (English and German), Italian Army War College (Basic and Advanced Courses), German Army General Staff Course and the US Army War College.

His command appointments included periods as Mortar and Infantry Platoon and Company Commanders, Commanding Officer of Mechanised Battalion (1986-7), Commander of the Military District of Rome (1992-3), Chief of the Logistics Co-ordination Office (1993-5), Commander of the Italian "Pinerolo" Armoured Brigade in Bari, and most recently Deputy Commander of ACE Rapid Reaction Corps in Germany. He gained considerable General Staff and International experience due also to periods that he spent as a United Nations Military Observer in the Middle East in 1977-1979 and as Italian Military Attaché in Washington (1995-1998).

He took up the appointment of Commander, NRDC - IT on 19 March 2002 and was promoted to Lieutenant General on 27 March 2003.

On 14 September 2007 He was appointed Chief of the Army General Staff.

LT Gen. Castagnetti's decorations include the Silver and Gold Crosses for long service, Knight's Cross of the Italian Republic Military Order, Commemorative Cross for the Peace Mission in Middle East, United Nations Medal for United Nations Truce Supervision Organization Service, Bronze Medal for long period of command, "Mauriziana" Medal and the Legion of Merit awarded by the United States Army Department of Defence.