Jun 14 2017

Solidarity donation to the Robert Hollman foundation

Cannero Riviera (VB), 14th June 2017. A solidarity initiative has just been completed in favour of the Robert Hollman foundation, a Dutch private, non-profit organization, that deals with advice and support to the development of visually impaired children and their families. 

Cannero Riviera (VB), 14th June 2017. A solidarity initiative has just been completed in favour of the Robert Hollman foundation, a Dutch private, non-profit organization, that deals with advice and support to the development of visually impaired children and their families. 
A delegation from the NRDC-ITA composed by DCOS Central Staff and the Dutch Senior National Representative reached the Centre in Cannero Riviera (VB) - a city on the west side of the Lake Maggiore - to deliver a symbolic cheque in the hand of the management.
The event took place in the presence of the mayor of the city and personnel from the foundation and from the "Dr. Clown VCO" association, one of the supporting partners of the Centre.
The donation is the result of a fundraising organized in occasion of the last "Gala Ball" (19th May 2017) and is going to help starting the "Autonomy Project”  - an articulated program promoted by the Robert Holman Foundation - based on a series of “spatial orientation” tools for children and adolescents blind and visually impaired, particularly focused on the development of children with visual impairment and any associated pluridisability.