May 12 2017

Clean Up Day @ Ugo Mara barracks

Solbiate Olona (VA), 12th May 2017 - The “Ugo Mara” barracks is the place where NRDC-Italy personnel work and spend a large part of the time: taking care of it and “make it shiny” has been the operative word for one day. 
Today in fact, servicepersons of all ranks have been cleaning-up the base under the special attention of our Command Sergeant Major, the first in line with a broom and a dustpan.
“Using our energies for making the base shiny - like everyone of us would do for his own place - reinforces the perception of the base as a home” OR9 Amedeo RUSSO, the NRDC-ITA Command Sergeant Major, said.
This action is a unique opportunity to raise awareness among us, as soldiers and citizens, on the importance of waste prevention and proper waste management.