Dec 16 2016

Consuls meeting with NRDC-ITA

Milan, 16th December 2016 – Yesterday evening, in Palazzo Cusani, the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy Commander, Lieutenant General Roberto Perretti, and Senior National Representatives, met with the Consuls of NRDC-ITA foreign contributing nations.
The meeting provided the opportunity to make a point on recent training activities of the HQs and a way ahead on following events.

Milan, 16th December 2016 – Yesterday evening, in Palazzo Cusani, the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy Commander, Lieutenant General Roberto Perretti, and Senior National Representatives, met with the Consuls of NRDC-ITA foreign contributing nations.
The meeting provided the opportunity to make a point on recent training activities of the HQs and a way ahead on following events.
Twelve are the contributing nations of NRDC-ITA: in addition to Italy, who is the framework nation, providing about 70% of the manpower, personnel are coming also from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.