Dec 14 2016

NRDC-ITA hosts a Christmas bazaar for charity

Solbiate Olona (VA), 14th December 2016. Even this year NRDC-ITA Women’s International Club (NIWIC) organized the Christmas Bazaar at “Ugo Mara” barracks.
This year, the 6.000 euros raised will be donated to “Società Agricola la Stella”, a horse therapy centre in Legnano, working to support disabled people since 1996.

Solbiate Olona (VA), 14th December 2016. Even this year NRDC-ITA Women’s International Club (NIWIC) organized the Christmas Bazaar at “Ugo Mara” barracks.
This year, the 6.000 euros raised will be donated to “Società Agricola la Stella”, a horse therapy centre in Legnano, working to support disabled people since 1996.
During the bazaar, NIWIC organized a lottery and an auction. Within the lottery’s prizes there where thirteen baskets with gastronomic specialties from each of the 12 contributing nations of NRDC-ITA and one from Norcia, a town in central Italy, hit on last 30th of October by a devastating earthquake.