Nov 03 2016

NRDC-ITA welcomes its new Command Sergeant Major

Solbiate Olona (VA), 3rd November 2016 - Today, Chief Warrant Officer Amedeo Russo was sworn in as Command Sergeant Major (CSM) of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Italy. C-WO Russo has held every enlisted leadership position during his career, ranging from team and patrol leader in a mechanized unit up to NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR) CSM.

Solbiate Olona (VA), 3rd November 2016 - Today, Chief Warrant Officer Amedeo Russo was sworn in as Command Sergeant Major (CSM) of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Italy. C-WO Russo has held every enlisted leadership position during his career, ranging from team and patrol leader in a mechanized unit up to NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR) CSM.
“Being appointed as Command Sergeant Major is for me an honour and a privilege - he said. As newly appointed CSM, I would like to thank the NRDC-ITA Commander, General Perretti and the Italian Army chain of command for giving me this great opportunity as well as thanking my predecessor WO-1 Bortolino GEMA for the excellent job done so far“.
The CSM is accountable for the mentoring of all of NRDC-ITA enlisted servicemen and women, for promoting their professional development and maintaining high-quality standards and discipline.
From all NRDC-ITA staff, a very warm welcome on board to CSM Amedeo Russo!