Jan 28 2016

Fire Prevention Course at "Ugo Mara" Barracks

Today, 28 January, at the “Ugo Mara”  Barracks in Solbiate Olona (VA), where the NATO Rapid Deployable corps – Italy is hosted, is time to focus on safety measures. The fire prevention course is held by Marco Bettin, a civilian engineer highly specialized on that particular topic. NRDC-ITA class is composed by 30 military students with the aim of keeping them up to date on the new rules and techniques to prevent that kind of accidents.

Today, 28 January, at the “Ugo Mara”  Barracks in Solbiate Olona (VA), where the NATO Rapid Deployable corps – Italy is hosted, is time to focus on safety measures. The fire prevention course is held by Marco Bettin, a civilian engineer highly specialized on that particular topic. NRDC-ITA class is composed by 30 military students with the aim of keeping them up to date on the new rules and techniques to prevent that kind of accidents.